Last year I took the plunge and ventured out into shooting more Film. Man!! can I be honest? I LOVE it SO much and my heart grew big!!!!!! My first love when I first grabbed a camera was using Film and so it does have a special place in my heart since my Mami gifted me my first ever film camera back in my middle school years. I will always remember using the Darkroom with my classmates and being so mesmerized by the way film was developed. The anticipation was always something I appreciated and looked forward to so much. In today's world, things keep getting faster and faster, however shooting film has helped me to slow down in life. We live in a fast paced world where we have to respond to emails in minutes, reply to text messages in seconds, and make huge life decisions in days. Film has helped me to shoot with intention and really appreciate what photography really is in general. Since last year I have been providing my clients with both digital and film mediums of photography and everyone has loved it so far. In terms of aesthetics, the timelessness, colors, different film stocks, and the slower process I will always prefer film, but will continue to use both mediums in all my client sessions. I hope you can follow along my journey of shooting film and seeing the awesome benefits it has to offer. If you want to start something new NOW is the time and it is never too late. Finally remember Photography is about taking chances and looking at the results, if you don't like them you can move on, but also know that the results can pleasantly surprise you : ) #Filmsnotdead